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REO Speedwagon concert pictures

`REO Speedwagon` are a Rock band from America. Here they are photographed and captured in Analog from the stage and pit area during a concert in America in 1981. For more information and to follow the band on social media use the following external links.

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REO Speedwagon concert pictures ~ Bill O’Leary

A word from the photographer


REO has been rocking audiences since 1967, they formed in Champaign, Illinois. They had many radio hits in the 70’s, but huge success came with the album “Hi Infidelity” in 1980 with no less than four radio hits. On this night, April 18, 1981, I was in the front row at Nassau Coliseum, Long Island in New York. The “Hi Infidelity” album had just been released 4 months earlier.

The energy

I had photographed REO 6 months earlier when they were supporting Bob Seger, so I knew what to expect as far band member positioning on stage, etc. Lead vocalist Kevin Cronin has always been a great entertainer with loads of energy, as well as lead guitarist Gary Richrath who I’ve always believed was an underrated player for sure. With the amazing success of the latest album, they really were at the top of their game this night.

The songs

The band came out rocking all of their hits, older favorites “Roll With The Changes”, “Time For Me To Fly” and “Ridin’ The Storm Out” along with the newest hits, “Keep On Loving You”, “Take It On The Run” and “Don’t Let Him Go”. It was a very rare moment for me to be photographing a band right at the moment that they had a #1 hit all across the US radio airwaves. You could feel the energy coming from the audience during the performance of “Keep On Loving You”.

Visual effects

The production, especially the light show was spectacular this night, a large arena rock show with all of extras, including possibly 12-14 follow spots focused on the stage from all angles. This is before the time of HD video screens and digital lighting rigs. Another favorite stage prop that I love to see as a photographer is the liberal use of dry ice or stage fog, this always makes for some great images. I’ve always felt that these images seen here, were very strong crisp and clear and I came away very happy after film developing.

Location and date of these concert captures 

Nassau Coliseum / New York / America / 18.04 1981

Photographer`s favourite shot

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Timeless Concert Images

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Live music event promoters, if you are searching for an experienced Pit photographer to cover your next music event, try this live music and Pit photographer from Colorado / America.  With an amazing portfolio of work spanning 40 years of concert photography it is well worth the visit to his website.

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Chasing The Light Art 

The concert and music photography magazine

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Concert and festival photographer

Bill O'Leary

Based in Colorado / America

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