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Maxx Warrior concert pictures

`Maxx Warrior` were an American Heavy Metal / Hard Rock band. They are captured & photographed here in analog from the stage & pit area during two 1985 American concerts.

Maxx Warrior concert pictures ~ Bill O’Leary

A word from the photographer


I first heard and saw MAXX WARRIOR in early 1985 at a rock club in Wilmington, North Carolina, US. They immediately stood out to me as a band that were going places. That night, I happened to have my camera equipment and a portfolio of my previous work with me. I got in early before the doors opened, watched sound check, then introduced myself to the band and showed them my work. I asked if they would mind me shooting that nights show, they happily agreed. I got some amazing images that first night, not the usual in a small rock club, typically with weak stage lighting.

A second shoot

After the show I hung out with bassist Perry Richardson, a super nice guy. He asked if I could shoot another show coming up in a couple weeks down in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US. I photographed them again, this time surprised lead guitarist Scott Atkins was not there with the band for some unknown reason, but I got more images that were amazing. This band with bassist Perry Richardson and vocalist CJ Snare eventually merged with another band White Heat with their guitarist Bill Leverty and drummer Michael Foster, becoming the hugely successful band FIREHOUSE later in the late 80’s. Perry Richardson would later leave FIREHOUSE to join STRYPER.

Location and date of these concert captures 

Carolina / America / 12.04 .85 & 04.05.85

Photographer`s favourite shot

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Record label

Executive Records

All photographer`s images 

 View this photographer`s  A to Z of ALL the bands & artists captured for Chasing The Light Art. Follow the links for more great Rock n roll concert images from this photographer.

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Watch the slideshow of Maxx Warrior in concert pictures

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The Photographer`s book

The must have books for any music enthusiast. Featuring a collection of outstanding concert images and reviews from the late 1970's through the 1990's by music and Pit photographer Bill O’Leary.

Timeless Concert Images

Contact the Photographer for Employment

Live music event promoters, if you are searching for an experienced Pit photographer to cover your next music event, try this live music and Pit photographer from Colorado / America.  With an amazing portfolio of work spanning 40 years of concert photography it is well worth the visit to his website.

Images for Sale

The concert images seen here are copyright of the photographer. Nearly all are available for purchase in various sizes. Contact the photographer directly For more information.

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Chasing The Light Art 

The concert and music photography magazine

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Concert and festival photographer

Bill O'Leary

Based in Colorado / America

The A to Z list of bands and performers