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Ozzy Osbourne concert pictures

`Ozzy Osbourne` is a Heavy Metal singer from England. Here he is photographed & captured in Analog from the stage & pit area during the Blizzard of Ozz tour in America in 1981 and a concert 1984.For more information & to follow him on social media use the following external links.

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Ozzy Osbourne concert pictures ~ Bill O’Leary

A word from the photographer


On May 2, 1981 Ozzy’s Blizzard of Ozz tour rolled into New York City with great anticipation as this was a new chapter in Ozzy’s career. Almost 2 years ago to the day, Ozzy was fired from BLACK SABBATH and his future looked bleak. With his very first solo album and a new touring band, both featuring guitarist Randy Rhoads things were looking up. In the band were both Tommy Aldridge, legendary drummer from the PAT TRAVERS BAND & BLACK OAK ARKANSAS, and bassist Rudy Sarzo from he and Randy Rhoads’s previous band QUIET RIOT.

Flashing Ozzy

The show was amazing, and you could feel how special and magic this line-up was, Ozzy the well-seasoned front man with the iconic to be guitar god, Randy Rhoads. My images, although mediocre due to poor lighting, came out relatively decent. I took many shots with a flash attachment due to the poor stage lighting, ironically years later I watched a bootleg video of the show where you could see my flash illuminating the entire stage and band members, apologies…

Randy Rhoads

This would be the first of three separate times I would get the privilege of seeing Randy Rhoads within the next 9 months, prior to his untimely death in March of 1982. The ultimate loss to the rock and roll world, Randy Rhoads was a shining star who died far too early. I regret not photographing him the last two times I saw him, but the performances live in my mind. Randy was amazing on stage live, but all I need to listen to is the track “Diary of a Madman” to remind me of his genius.

The solo career

Just three years later I photographed OZZY in Denver, Colorado on tour supporting his latest album “Bark at the Moon”. The band had of course changed with new guitarist Jake E. Lee and returning bassist Bob Daisley along with keyboardist Don Airey onstage. At the time, there could not be a better replacement for Randy Rhoads than Jake E. Lee, another amazing guitar player that Ozzy would help to make famous. Great new album, great show and Ozzy was back on track headed for an amazing solo career ahead.

Location and date of these concert captures 

McNichols Arena / Colorado /12.03.84  &  New York / America / 02.05.81

Photographer`s favourite shot

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After enjoying the Ozzy Osbourne concert pictures by Bill O’Leary then make sure to visit his GALLERY. You will find more of his work, social media links & websites.

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The Photographer`s book

The must have books for any music enthusiast. Featuring a collection of outstanding concert images and reviews from the late 1970's through the 1990's by music and Pit photographer Bill O’Leary.

Timeless Concert Images

Contact the Photographer for Employment

Live music event promoters, if you are searching for an experienced Pit photographer to cover your next music event, try this live music and Pit photographer from Colorado / America.  With an amazing portfolio of work spanning 40 years of concert photography it is well worth the visit to his website.

Images for Sale

The concert images seen here are copyright of the photographer. Nearly all are available for purchase in various sizes. Contact the photographer directly For more information.

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Chasing The Light Art 

The concert and music photography magazine

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Concert and festival photographer

Bill O'Leary

Based in Colorado / America

The A to Z list of bands and performers