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Slayer in concert

`Slayer` are a Thrash Metal band from America. Here they are photographed & captured in Analog from the stage & pit area during a concert in America in 1990. For more information & to follow the band on social media use the following external links.

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Slayer concert pictures~ Bill O’Leary

A word from the photographer


Soon to come, the final shows of one of the most legendary thrash metal bands of all time, one of the so called “Big Four” including Metallica, Megadeth and Anthrax. I first saw Slayer way back in 1985 on the Haunting the Chapel tour at the famous rock/metal club in Brooklyn, NY. “L’Amour” with a new band, Megadeth opening. I was there in the front row, as a fan, with no camera that night. These were the early days of the thrash metal movement.

Seasons In The Abyss tour

Fast forward less than five years to January of 1990, Slayer was on the Seasons In The Abyss tour. I was working for a new publication called PIT Magazine who needed Slayer images for an upcoming article. Having photographed many thrash shows in the past, I knew that the “mosh pits” and “stage diving” at a Slayer show was going to be more than EXTREME. Even shooting a Slayer show from within the security barrier at the front of the stage was a challenge where you almost need eyes on the back of your head to survive the random Doc Martens size 13 boot slamming you in the head while you are focused on shooting the show.

The photo pit

Working around an army of security people at most of the metal shows was great because they were usually looking out for the photographers as well. In fact, I remember before this show, the credentialed photographers had a meeting with all of the security people about the “process” of how things were going to be dealt with in the security/ photo pit. During the course of a show, as many as a hundred “crowd surfers” can come over the barrier where they are ushered out the side of the pit area. These types of concerts are certainly some of the toughest to shoot, with everything going on all around you. I personally found it VERY exciting and loved it.

Capturing Slayer

Believe it or not, as far as capturing an artist’s quick movements on stage, Slayer for example, are easier than Angus Young (AC/DC) or Rick Nielsen (Cheap Trick) ever could be. They are known to run all over the stage, constant movement, whereas Slayer tend to stand in one place more or less, concentrating on their playing, as the music they play is typically at break neck speed. An exception possibly being the “head banging” movement with hair flying everywhere….

Location and date of these concert captures 

Seasons in the Abyss tour / America / January 1990

Photographer`s favourite shot

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After enjoying the Slayer concert pictures by Bill O’Leary then make sure to visit his GALLERY. You will find more of his work, social media links & websites.

Record label

Nuclear Blast RecordsMetal Blade Records / Def Jam / Republic Records

All photographer`s images 

 View this photographer`s  A to Z of ALL the bands & artists captured for Chasing The Light Art. Follow the links for more great Rock n roll concert images from this photographer.

Gallery  A to Z


Watch the slideshow of Slayer in concert pictures

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The Photographer`s book

The must have books for any music enthusiast. Featuring a collection of outstanding concert images and reviews from the late 1970's through the 1990's by music and Pit photographer Bill O’Leary.

Timeless Concert Images

Contact the Photographer for Employment

Live music event promoters, if you are searching for an experienced Pit photographer to cover your next music event, try this live music and Pit photographer from Colorado / America.  With an amazing portfolio of work spanning 40 years of concert photography it is well worth the visit to his website.

Images for Sale

The concert images seen here are copyright of the photographer. Nearly all are available for purchase in various sizes. Contact the photographer directly For more information.

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Chasing The Light Art 

The concert and music photography magazine

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Concert and festival photographer

Bill O'Leary

Based in Colorado / America

The A to Z list of bands and performers