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Judas Priest in concert

`Judas Priest` are a Heavy Metal band from England formed in 1969.Here they are photographed & captured in Analog from the stage and pit area during a concert in America in 1980. For more information & to follow the band on social media use the following external links.

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Judas Priest concert pictures ~ Bill O’Leary

A word from the photographer

ON THIS NIGHT: Judas Priest

Once again, I was shooting one of my favorite bands as a teenager, Judas Priest. This tour was in support of their newest album at the time, British Steel. I had photographed the band at two different shows on the previous tour, Hell Bent for Leather (Killing Machine in Europe), unfortunately the images were mediocre at best due to angle and location within the venue. This time around I had secured front row seats and was very excited to shoot the band, un credentialed.

A 50mm lens and some rolls of film

At that time in 1980, promoters and venues had just begun to crack down on concert goers bringing camera equipment or any type of recording devices into the shows. As long as you were discreet and definitely NOT using a flash, you could take pictures from your seat. Sometimes entering a venue, we would use so called “gorilla tactics” to get camera equipment in with us. Hiding a camera lens here and the camera body there discreetly to get thru security. That was the case on this night, I got the bare minimum of equipment in, a 50mm lens and the camera body itself with 3-4 rolls of film as well.

How things have changed

I find it ironic in today’s concert going world that everyone has a mobile phone with both still photo capability, as well as even worse, video capability. Just look at YouTube and you can see EVERYTHING is filmed. Obviously, the quality is very lacking in most cases, but the fact that it has been allowed so far is ironic as I said. Over 35 years of keeping photographers jumping thru hoops, securing credentials, band management permissions, etc. and now everyone is a “photographer”.The irony of it all.

Perfect concert

Anyway, back to Judas Priest. Everything this night was perfect, the lighting, the angle for composition, the crowd was also great, completely into the artist. As it turned out, I was the only person up front with a camera, not even a credentialed photographer was shooting the performance. Judas Priest came on with full throttle energy as usual. I love shooting show’s where I feel as if I am the only person there, just you and the band thru the viewfinder. In the end, you may agree, I got some amazing images capturing Judas Priest just as they were breaking the big time.

Location and date of these concert captures 

British Steel tour / America / 03.07.80

Photographer`s favourite shot

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After enjoying the Judas Priest concert pictures by Bill O’Leary then make sure to visit his GALLERY. You will find more of his work, social media links & websites.

Record label


All photographer`s images 

 View this photographer`s  A to Z of ALL the bands & artists captured for Chasing The Light Art. Follow the links for more great Rock n roll concert images from this photographer.

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Watch the slideshow of Judas Priest  in concert

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The Photographer`s book

The must have books for any music enthusiast. Featuring a collection of outstanding concert images and reviews from the late 1970's through the 1990's by music and Pit photographer Bill O’Leary.

Timeless Concert Images

Contact the Photographer for Employment

Live music event promoters, if you are searching for an experienced Pit photographer to cover your next music event, try this live music and Pit photographer from Colorado / America.  With an amazing portfolio of work spanning 40 years of concert photography it is well worth the visit to his website.

Images for Sale

The concert images seen here are copyright of the photographer. Nearly all are available for purchase in various sizes. Contact the photographer directly For more information.

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Chasing The Light Art 

The concert and music photography magazine

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Concert and festival photographer

Bill O'Leary

Based in Colorado / America

The A to Z list of bands and performers