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Grace Jones concert pictures

`Grace Jones` is an Alternative Rock / Pop / singer from Jamaica. She is photographed & captured here during the Dimensions festival in Croatia. For more information & to follow her on social media use any of the following external links.

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Grace Jones concert pictures ~ David Gasson

Written by Hannah Smith

Amazing Grace lights up Pula

The “6th Dimension festival” kicked off in spectacular style this year with an eclectic mix of musical talent. Headlining the opening night was the formidable “Grace Jones” who celebrated her first time in Croatia with an unforgettable performance.

Opening Acts

In the setting of Pula’s Roman amphitheatre, musician “Moses Boyd” began proceedings with a 45 minute set which delighted the growing crowd. The highly acclaimed electronic musician is the London born winner of the MOBO Awards 2015 and has collaborated with the likes of Four Tet, Floating Points and Sampha whilst leading his own outfits, The Exodus and Solo Exodus, infusing electronica, grime and jazz.

Location of the concert

Pula arena / 7th Dimensions festival / Pula / Croatia

Jazzy time

The jazz theme continued as The Kemaal Williams Experience bought their rendition of the debut album ‘Black Focus’ to life with a performance featuring original member Tom Driessler who delivered intricate jazz baselines. Brockley resident Mcnasty, accompanied keyboardist Kemaal Williams on drums to produce a full hour of seamless high-vibe electro-jazz -funk. As the anticipation grew, the curtain dropped allowing the Dimensions crew to create a bespoke 30 foot stage set designed specifically for Grace Jones.

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Time for Grace Jones

The now packed arena quietened on the cusp of her arrival. With the opening bars of the classic hit ‘Night Clubbing’ filling the arena, the crowd erupted as the curtain raised to reveal the iconic Grace in all her full glory wearing a spectacular costume made complete by a golden mask hiding her universally recognisable features.


Grace  Jones proceeded to lift the mask unveiling her striking beauty which has enabled her to achieve a hugely successful career as a model as well as a celebrated musician. With the show now well underway, the audience was entranced. The iconic singer showed her ability to take command of both the stage and her fans as she continued with high energy renditions of the self-penned ‘My Jamaican Guy’ from the 1982 album ‘Living My Life’ and an excellent cover of Roxy Music’s ‘Love Is A Drug’ which included an outstanding light show.


After enjoying the Grace Jones concert pictures by David Gasson then make sure to visit his GALLERY. You will find more of his work, social media & websites links.


Throughout her show several costume changes took place, each as dramatic as the last showing that Grace Jones has true style that only comes with experience and natural talent and which sets her apart from so many.

Location and date of these concert captures

Pula arena / 7th Dimensions festival / Pula / Croatia 2017

By now the atmosphere was electric and the show was bought to a climax with the wonderful track ‘Slave To The Rhythm’. Grace choose to show off her hula hooping skills throughout the entire rendition, never failing to impress and surprise the audience with her varied and unusual talents.

Written by Hannah Smith

Pull Up To The Bumper

As she sang her penultimate hit of the night, Grace took to the shoulders of a very happy security member and proceeded to treat the front row to an intimate performance of her huge hit ‘Pull Up To The Bumper’.

Published media outlet 

 In addition to Chasing The Light Art  a version of this article with Grace Jones concert pictures & text from Hanna Smith was first published on 01.09.17 for Total Croatia News

Published article

All the photographer`s images 

View this photographer`s A to Z of ALL the bands & artists they have captured for Chasing The Light Art. Follow the links for more great Rock n Roll images from this photographer.

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Watch the slideshow of Grace Jones concert pictures

The pen is mightier than the sword, but a picture tells a thousand stories

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Live music event promoters, if you are searching for an experienced Pit Photographer to cover your next music event, try this live music and Pit Photographer from Pula / Croatia. Contact him directly by using any of the social media links provided.

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Chasing The Light Art 

The concert and music photography magazine

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Concert and festival photographer

David Gasson

Based in Pula / Croatia

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