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Parov Stelar concert pictures

`Parov Stelar` are an Electro Swing Jazz band from Austria. Here they are photographed & captured from the stage & pit area during a concert in Croatia. For more information & to follow the band on social media use any of the following external links.

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Parov Stelar concert pictures  ~ David Gasson

A word from the photographer

Marcus Füreder is often described as the founder of  ‘Electro Swing’ and his band, the award winning Parov Stelar Band have had their music used as soundtracks in numerous movies, TV shows , commercials & have more than 150 million Youtube views.

The music

Their music offers an unusual and unique style. It blends perfectly Jazz, House, Pop, Funk, Electronic music & Parov Stelar are considered to be the pioneers of creating Jazz Electro Swing.

Band members

Parov Stelar  – Marcus Füreder – Programming / Cleo Panther – Vocals / Sebastian Grimus – Saxophone / Marc Osterer – Trumpet / Jakob Mayr – Trombone / Michael Wittner – Bass & Guitar / Willie Larsson Jr – Drums / Anduze – Vocals 

Date and location of these concert captures 

Backstage Live / Pula / Croatia/ 16.08.2018

The photographer`s favourite shot

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After enjoying the Parov Stelar concert pictures by David Gasson then make sure to visit his GALLERY. You will find more of his work, social media & websites links.

The concert

The Parov Stelar concert pictures were taken at the at the amphitheatre in Pula, Croatia which offered a dramatic backdrop with great lighting and sound . The concert was part of the “Burning Spider Tour”

Record label

Etage Noir Recordings

The performance

Before the show, i didn’t really know what to expect but from the moment that Cleo Panther, the lead female vocalist, walked out and took center stage , bathed in red seductive lighting and lowered her sunglasses and started to sing, I knew it was going to be a great and memorable concert. From start to finish all the band were fantastic and full of energy with some exceptional music being played.

The stage

Parov Stelar made good use of lighting, smoke and stage effects and its understandable that they were voted best “Best Live Act” in 2013 and 2014 by the “Amadeus Austrian Music Awards”. Each song was perfectly choreographed and offered a wealth of photo opportunities. The charismatic musicians were a joy to photograph with each one of them either playing a great solo set or performing as a  duo / trio or band. 

About Backstage Live

The “Backstage Live” festival brings together eight concerts to the Croatian city of Pula. The festival spans from May until December and takes place at two of the cities most exciting and musical and iconic venues.

The venues

In May and June the Istrian National Theater (INK) with its excellent acoustics is used. In July and August the festival  then ventures outside and to the amazing setting and backdrop of Pula`s 2,000 year old amphitheater.


Special thanks

To Dražen and all the crew at Backstage Live for looking after me so well and allowing me to get some great Parov Stelar concert pictures during the festival. Thank you. It is hugely appreciated and I look forward to next years “Backstage Live“.

All the photographer`s images 

View this photographer`s A to Z of ALL the bands & artists they have captured for Chasing The Light Art. Follow the links for more great Rock n Roll images from this photographer.

Gallery A to Z


Watch the slideshow of Parov Stelar  concert pictures

The pen is mightier than the sword, but a picture tells a thousand stories

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Contact the Photographer for Employment

Live music event promoters, if you are searching for an experienced Pit Photographer to cover your next music event, try this live music and Pit Photographer from Pula / Croatia. Contact him directly by using any of the social media links provided.

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Images for Sale

The concert images seen here are copyright of the photographer. Nearly all are available for purchase in various sizes. Contact the photographer directly For more information.

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Chasing The Light Art 

The concert and music photography magazine

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Concert and festival photographer

David Gasson

Based in Pula / Croatia

The A to Z list of bands and performers