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Frenzal Rhomb concert pictures

`Frenzal Rhomb` are an Australian Punk band. They are photographed & captured from the stage & pit area during the ‘Special 3 Man Show’ concert in Japan. For more information & to follow the band on social media use any of the following external links.

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Frenzal Rhomb concert pictures ~ Aki Fujita Taguchi

A word from the photographer

Generally, Japanese audience are thought to be reserved, however, I’m sure this night would be different. The day, 3rd of November 2019, was a special day for the Tokyo’s punk rock scene. Three legendary punk bands , Frenzal Rhomb , No Fun At All & Black Flag came to Tokyo and they knocked us out completely with their crazy performances.

Opening the ‘Special 3 Man Show’

Australian punk band Frenzal Rhomb kicked off the show. They were formed in Sydney in 1992 and their music is often referred to as skate punk and melodic hardcore. Their latest album is ‘Hi-Vis High Tea’, which was released in May 2017 as their 9th studio album.

Guest performer

The frontman and singer Jason Whalley is the only founding member of the band. On this night he seemed to have a problem with his throat. So, another dreadlocked cool guy took the vocals mainly. He spoke Japanese very well and even translated Jason’s English into Japanese with a western Japanese accent. I heard that his name is Will de Monchaux, a former bass player of Osaka based hardcore band PALM.

Crowd surfing

Although he was a substitute frontman, Will satisfied the audience with his raw energy and playful performance. Sometimes, Both Jason and Will dived in and sang on the crowd. It was really fun to see that two tall singers with dreadlocks were interacting with the excited crowd. And, I could also see, lots of crowd surfers, moshing and circles breaking out around the floor.

Band members

Jason ‘Jay’ Whalley – Vocals / Lindsay ‘The Doctor’ McDougall – Guitar / Gordon ‘Gordy’ Forman – Drums / Michael ‘Dal’ Dallinger – Bass
Will de Monchaux – Guest vocals (ex bass player of PALM)

 Location and date of these concert captures 

Akabane Reny Alpha / Tokyo / Japan / 03.11.19

Photographer`s favourite shot

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Setlist :

1. Bird Attack / 2. Mummy Doesn’t Know You’re a Nazi / 3. Cunt Act / 4. Russell Crowe’s band / 5. I Went Out With a Hippy & Now I Love Everyone Except for her / 6. 5000 Cigarettes / 7. School Reunion / 8. Hate the Way You Hate / 9. Ballchef / 10. White World / Fraud / 11. When My Baby Smiles at Me I Go to Rehab / 12. I Miss My Lung / 13. You Are Not My Friend / 14. Bucket Bong / 15. Never Had So Much Fun / 16. Punch in the Face

The addictive punk concerts

I was totally amazed at how chaotic and addictive the punk concerts are. If you’re not into punk / hardcore music, you might think it’s too simple. As I said, the live show is totally different from listening it in your room. You have to see their show if you get a chance. You will never regret. I guarantee!


After enjoying the Frenzal Rhomb concert pictures by Aki Fujita Taguchi then make sure to visit her GALLERY. You will find more of her work, social media links & websites.

About ‘Special 3 Man Show’

The punk event ‘Special 3 Man Show’ was held by the organizer Unionway Japan, which specializes in punk and hardcore music. The latest and cool venue Akabane Reny Alpha is located in the north area of Tokyo. On this night, tickets were deservedly sold out and the house was filled with fan’s anticipation.

All photographer`s images

View this photographer`s A to Z of ALL the bands & artists captured for Chasing The Light Art. Follow the links for more great Rock n Roll images from this photographer

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Special Thanks

Thank you so much Matthias HombauerStefan BrattUnionway Japan for treating the Chasing The Light Art photographer so well and for allowing her to capture some great images of the concert…Thank You…It is much appreciated…..

Words and photos by Aki Fujita Taguchi / Proofreading by Yosuke Taguchi


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Chasing The Light Art 

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Concert and festival photographer

Aki Fujita Taguchi

Based in Tokyo / Japan

The A to Z list of bands and performers