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Phoenix Rock Lottery concert pictures

 Photograph & review ~ Jennifer Mullins

A word from the photographer

The 6th Annual Phoenix Rock Lottery put on by Psyko Steve was held at Crescent Ballroom on January 26 to benefit Rosie’s House. Twenty five Phoenix area musicians gathered Saturday morning and then were split into five groups. They had until 8 pm to come up with 3 original songs and one cover.

A unique night of music

The result was a night of fantastic music by these talented musicians!  The styles of music that each musician plays melded into the original songs played.  The packed house of fans and fellow musicians had a great time and sang along to the covers.

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Phoenix Rock Lottery concert pictures

It was a great night celebrating the Phoenix music scene as well as supporting Rosie’s House, a non-profit organization that provides a free music academy for inner-city Phoenix children. Funds raised go to help buy instruments.

The Musicians

Chad Dennis (Playboy Manbaby / Instructions / 00) / Andrew Stravers (Katastro) / Nick Scropos (Roger Clyne & The Peacemakers) / Jason DeVore (Authority Zero) / Lawrence Zubia (Pistoleros) / Yolanda Bejarano (Los Nopaleros) / Michael Coughlin / Danielle Durack  / Nathaniel Shrake (Post Hoc)

The Musicians

Anthony J. Neal (Coyote Tango) / Callie Young (Lighthouse Band) / Jess Pruitt (Young Mothers / The Bittersweet Way) / Lou Resnick (The Sink or Swim) Sydney Sprague / Kim Capria (Banter) / Erin Sperduti (Paranova) / Mario Yniguez (Harrison Fjord)

The Musicians

Zack Vogt (PAO Phoenix Afrobeat Orchestra) / Jedediah Foster (The Bittersweet Way) / Carly Bates (Hyperbella / Solomon Trio) / Anamieke Quinn (Treasurefruit) / Marc Oxborrow (The Haymarket Squares) / Aaron Hjalmarson (The Funerelles / The Freeze) / Ben Scolaro (The Stakes) / Nate Ray (James Band / Rotting Yellow)


 After enjoying the Phoenix Rock Lottery concert pictures by Jennifer Mullins be sure to visit her GALLERY. You will find more of her work, social media & website links

Hosted by

Psyko Steve and Crescent Ballroom

Location & date of these concert pictures

Crescent Ballroom / Phoenix / Arizona / America / 26.01.19

All photographer`s images

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If you're a Live music event promoter & searching for an experienced pit Photographer to cover your next music event, try this live music and pit Photographer from Arizona /  America. Contact her directly by using any of the social media links provided.

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The concert images seen here are copyright of the photographer. Nearly all are available for purchase in various sizes. Contact the photographer directly For more information.

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Chasing The Light Art 

The concert and music photography magazine

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Concert and festival photographer

Jennifer Mullins

Based in Arizona / America

The A to Z list of bands and performers