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Bowling for Soup concert pictures

`Bowling for Soup` are an American Rock / Indie Rock/ Pop Punk band. They are captured from the stage & pit area during a concert in America. For more information & to follow the band on social media use any of the following external links.

Bowling for Soup concert pictures ~ Erin Farnsworth

A word from the photographer

I started this night filled with anticipation, waiting anxiously to see a band I’ve listened to for years. Bowling For Soup came to the stage full of energy and prepared to steal the show. As soon as I heard their introduction, I knew we’d have a phenomenal time. Not only was that a complete understatement, but I have to say, this is the best show I have personally attended. Bassist, Rob Felicetti, was interactive the entire time, allowing us photographers to get the best gallery possible. And of course, it’s not a Bowling For Soup concert without laughter among the crowd, caused by Jaret Reddick and Rob.

Jammed out to their music

For this being their 20th anniversary tour for their hit release album, A Hangover You Don’t Deserve, they did not disappoint. The room echoed with joyous shouts from across the crowd as they played their well-known song, “1985”. They played the whole album in its entirety, plus a few extras, making it a longer, but extremely worthy set. The whole time felt euphoric as they jammed out to their music, putting on a great show for the rest of us.

Band members

Jaret Reddick / Chris Burney / Gary Wiseman / Rob Felicetti

Bowling For Soup absolutely crushed it

This is exactly what you should expect when going to a show, except they definitely took it to a whole new level. Something I loved was the fact that you could tell they enjoyed what they were doing and were having fun. That is something I find very important and Bowling For Soup absolutely crushed it. Hearing them live makes me feel like I’m ten years old again, and when they performed “Today Is Gonna Be A Great Day”, the theme song from Phineas and Ferb, the whole room was filled with serotonin.

Location and date of these concert captures 

Empire Live / Albany / NY / America / 20.09.24


Their entire set consumed the room, flooding it with good vibes and gracious cheers. They started with “Almost”, since it is the first song listed on the album, and went from there. They also played “Girl All The Bad Guys Want” and “High School Never Ends”, ending their show with nothing but greatness.

Photographer`s favourite shot

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Night to remember

Albany was more than blessed to have such a wonderful group of guys completely and utterly tear the roof off that place. This will definitely be a night people will remember for a very long time. Bowling For Soup took the saying, “punks not dead” and turned it into a complete reality for everyone who attended. I am pleased to say I got to witness this band in its total glory.


After enjoying the Bowling for Soup concert pictures by Erin Farnsworth. Make sure to visit her Gallery You will find more of her work, social media & website links.

 Special Thanks

A big thank you to Jamie & all the crew at Rage PR for organising the event and for looking after the Chasing The Light Art photographer. She got some great shots and your support is much appreciated.. Thank you ..

All photographer`s images 

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..Thank you ..


Watch the slideshow of Bowling for Soup concert pictures

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Chasing The Light Art 

The concert and music photography magazine

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Concert and festival photographer

Erin Farnsworth

Based in Albany / New York / America

The A to Z list of bands and performers