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A to Z list of Metal music

The music photography magazine gallery of live concert photography. The musicians are photographed in concerts and festivals from around the world. All the images and pictures that are seen on this website are taken by music and pit photographers.They are all part of the largest music photographers directory Chasing The Light Art.

About The Chasing The Light Art music magazine

The Chasing The Light Art music magazine is about connecting and linking you with a variety of music photographer’s regardless of location or genre.
View some of their work that would otherwise go mainly unseen outside their country, or away from the media outlet that they work for or represent. We aim to cover all musical genre and at any venue and this page is dedicated to Metal music.


Are you a music and pit photographer and cover live Metal music concerts and festivals ?
If yes.
Then come and join the Chasing The Light Art magazine , the largest online directory of music photographers and have your Metal music images shown here. Full details can be found on the  Photographer’s Join page.

Pit Photographers . No Flash . 3 Songs .  Always Get The Shot.