Less words = MORE IMAGES
The pen is mightier than the sword, but a picture tells a thousand stories.
The Chasing The Light Art web site is about capturing the Musician / Band / Singer / Audience / Atmosphere in stunning images from an ever expanding collective of real Pit Photographers from around the world.
This is a platform where they can exhibit some of their fine work. You will see great captures from many of the big names in all the music genres ,as well as fresh and raw images of the up and coming, next generation of bands and musicians.
You will find a few reviews, and write ups of the concerts and the music festivals but not that many. We are mainly concert photographers and not dedicated writers.
The Chasing The Light Art articles offer a brief introduction of the artist and their social media / web site links. Followed by the all important images.
The Light
The stage is often bathed in flashing multi coloured lights or just a subtle spotlight and often total darkness. The performers often wear black, have a black hat on ,stand in the shadows and wear dark sunglasses. It is an ever changing environment and takes a huge amount of skill to predict and adjust quicker than a camera can register the settings.
The Art of concert photography
This is about the photographic Art of working in extremely difficult conditions to capture a breath-taking, once in a life time image and bringing some of these great pictures from around the world together in one place.
No Flash
We mainly work using no flash and usually only get the first 3 songs to capture the essence of the event.
The performers are often moving / singing / playing a huge amount of diverse instrument, dancing, jumping up and down and generally being exactly what you would expect from a good old fashioned Rock n Roll music concert.
Explore Chasing The Light Art
Chasing The Light Art music photography magazine is full of concert & festival pictures from around the world
Choose the Home page to start with
Discover our Concert Photographers
View an A to Z gallery listing of all the bands and artists.
Are you a live music, concert, music festival, pit photographer ?
If yes = Join
Come and join the Chasing The Light Art magazine , the largest online directory of music photographer`s and have your concert photography shown here. Full details can be found on the Photographer's join page .
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We do not publish weekly or monthly or quarterly... We publish daily..ish.
There is no newsletter or subscription fees for our magazine. To subscribe:-
Check in regularly to the latest section and follow us on Facebook and YouTube for daily updates of the Chasing The Light Art Magazine.
LIKE because you do. SHARE because more people need to see these great images. FOLLOW because we update daily ish. BOOKMARK because we bring you amazing Music Images from around the World from real PIT Photographers.
All images belong to the Pit Photographer and are published with thanks and with permission from the photographer.
All rights Reserved